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April 1, 2010

Introducing BottleRocket: Our April inFOCUS business

We are so excited to kick off April with a new inFOCUS business - BottleRocket, a wine shop just south of us in the Flatiron district.

BottleRocket is the brainchild of owner Tom Geniesse who has been an entrepreneur several times over.
Like many businesses, BottleRocket was born out of frustration with the existing options.

Several years ago Tom decided to learn about wine and was shocked that wine stores were engineered in such an uneducational, unfriendly, and intimidating way!

For those you have visited BottleRocket you will know that the store is shockingly approachable, friendly, and chock full of personality. From the innovative "themed" kiosks, to the take-home educational bottle notes, to Otis the yellow lab store mascot, this wine store is nothing like the traditional experience.

What's so cool about BottleRocket is to see how all these experimental elements have really come together to fundamentally change the way in which people experience and interact with wine.

We have long loved BottleRocket and are thrilled to get more of an "inside peek" at the business over the next month. We will get to learn more about its roots, future, owner, and ingenious system.

There are lots of customer service, marketing, and value proposition lessons to be learned here!

We are, of course, also excited about our April event with Tom - a talk, tour, and wine tasting at BottleRocket on April 21st!

It is a fantastic way to celebrate spring, learn and mingle with fellow IGCers! Because of the tasting experience, attendance will be limited, so please reserve your space.

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