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May 13, 2010

Interview Tidbit: Samantha Edwards of Gif+d

On this exciting book journey we have the pleasure of interviewing nearly 100 women who are running interesting, inspiring, and innovative companies. While we of course will be including lots of details in the book and discussing the interviews over the next year, in the meantime we wanted to share a few tidbits from each amazing interview!

After wrapping up our trip to Philadelphia, we were scheduled to meet Samantha Edwards creative genius and branding extraordinaire at her amazing Tribeca flat (just saying it that way because she's British!), which happened to be one street over from our favorite dress designer Selia Yang!

Aside from a zillion design and decor ideas (really her apartment is amazing) and lots of love for her little pup, Stella, here are a couple of things we walked away with:

Adelaide – I find it just amazing that the evolution of her business has really been on account of Sam keeping on accepting one creative challenge after another. The result is that her work has become more and more comprehensive and her business expanded accordingly. In actuality, we learned that Sam has has two separate businesses (one with partners and one that is solo) that pursue different directions providing her with a lot of creative versatility.

Amy - I thought a lot about Sam's advice to never burn a bridge - she spoke of how despite being a big city, NYC is a small town, especially within given industries. It made me think about how important it is for growing businesses to contemplate the importance of their reputation in the long run and how when you need to part ways in business dealings you should strive to do so on good terms.

Thanks, Sam!

- Adelaide & Amy

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